April 15, 2009

A Mad TEA-Party

`Have some wine,' the March Hare said in an encouraging tone.

Alice looked all round the table, but there was nothing on it but tea. `I don't see any wine,' she remarked.

`There isn't any,' said the March Hare.

These TEA parties happening around the nation right now (TEA stands for Taxed Enough Already) - responses to Santelli's call for a Chicago Tea Party back in February - smell mighty fishy to me.  One of the fishiest things comes from chicagoteaparty.com itself.  This website was registered back in August of 2008 - before Santelli called for a Chicago Tea Party, before Obama introduced his economic stimulus plan, before Americans had decided on the administration for 2009, even before Obama had been named the Democratic Presidential Candidate.  It is also registered to Zachary Christenson - a Chicago area right wing radio host.  What a lucky turn of events that when "grass roots" Republicans begin a movement of tea parties in Chicago, the domain name has already been bought and paid for by someone who is a spokesperson for the American conservative movement.

On top of that, these people who are screaming because they've been "taxed enough already" seem to not be aware that 95% of America has seen a tax cut.  They also don't seem to be aware that taxes are still lower than they were during the Reagan administration.  So, how could so many people turn out to protest something that affects only the top 5% - the wealthiest and most well off and equipped to handle this economic crisis?  Surely not because they were paid to do so.  Surely not because corporate funded organizations contacted these people via Facebook and offered them money (up to $1,000) to come out and say something bad about the administration.  No, that never happened.


"I did not bare myself deliberately, but I tell you:  I wish now that I had!  Because it is not me that has been exposed, but you!  For I have seen the nipple on your soul!"

1 comment:

  1. I wish so much attention would be aimed at providing better social services in this country rather than to a contrived media event!

    Lemmings lead by Rush Limbaugh,Glen Beck, Bill Bennett.
